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Accident and Incident Reporting

We understand that accidents and incidents can occur despite your best efforts to prevent them. It is crucial to have the right processes in place to minimise their likelihood, report them appropriately when necessary, and take preventive measures to avoid recurrence. As experts in Health & Safety, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

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Our Health & Safety Consultancy Services

We work closely with healthcare providers to create safe working practices tailored to their unique needs. Our team of Health & Safety consultants will ensure that you understand when incidents require escalation and why. We will also show you how to legally report incidents and implement measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future. In the event of a serious incident, our support extends throughout the entire process to help you manage the situation effectively.

  Healthcare HR & CQC Compliance Solutions – Learn more about us by clicking here.

Benefits of Partnering with HLTH Group:

Expert Guidance: Our consultants are well-versed in the healthcare industry and specialise in supporting CQC-regulated providers. We understand the complexities of the healthcare environment and are equipped to provide you with the best advice.

Accessible Resources: HLTH Group offers an extensive library of online training courses, providing your staff with continuous learning opportunities on Health & Safety best practices. Our industry-leading consultants are available round-the-clock to provide guidance and support.

HLTH Manage: Our online management platform, HLTH Manage, allows you to easily log incidents, access risk assessment templates, and maintain essential Health & Safety documentation.

  Healthcare HR & CQC Compliance Solutions – Learn more about us by clicking here.

Understanding RIDDOR Reporting

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) outlines seven reportable categories, including deaths, specified injuries, injuries of over seven consecutive days, work-related diseases, dangerous occurrences, and gas incidents. It is essential to know when and what incidents should be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

  Healthcare HR & CQC Compliance Solutions – Learn more about us by clicking here.

Responsibility for Reporting

The responsibility for reporting an accident on-site lies with the employer. Usually, the site manager or the most senior person present is responsible for reporting the incident both internally and to the HSE. This information should be clearly outlined in your organisation’s Health & Safety policy.

Consequences of Non-Reporting

Failure to report injuries that occur in the workplace can result in legal action and potential prosecution. It is a legal obligation for employers to report incidents and accidents promptly.

  Healthcare HR & CQC Compliance Solutions – Learn more about us by clicking here.

HLTH Group’s Recommendations:

We encourage logging all incidents and accidents, even those that are not reportable under RIDDOR, preferably in our HLTH Manage Software. This practice serves several important purposes, such as preventing similar incidents, providing an audit trail for potential claims, and having supporting documents for inspections by enforcing authorities.

Legal Obligations and Preventive Measures:

Your legal obligations regarding accident reporting are governed by the Management of Health and Safety at Work (MHSW) Regulations 1999 and RIDDOR 2013. The MHSW Regulations cover all stages required to prevent incidents and accidents in the workplace, including risk assessments, method statements, Health & Safety handbooks, relevant training for employees, provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and maintenance of equipment and machinery.


At HLTH Group, we take pride in delivering comprehensive business-critical support to healthcare providers, ensuring they are well-prepared to handle accident and incident reporting in a compliant and efficient manner. Partner with us to create a safer and future-ready healthcare environment for your organisation. To learn more about our Health & Safety support, please fill in the form, and our experts will be in touch with you promptly.