We help you understand the best practices that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are looking for and incorporate these into your operation, turning compliance from a burden into a benefit.

Following the changes to the way that the CQC inspections are carried out, HLTH Manage has been developed to allow registered managers and users to view and self-evaluate their CQC Compliance through the dashboard and portal. HLTH Manage allows managers to divert resources to areas of concern to ensure all areas of CQC Compliance are up to date, and provides the convenience of storing all of your CQC Compliance documents all in one place.

Simplistic Views
The ‘at a glance’ view allows users to identify areas of concern which is highlighted by the alert symbol. By clicking on the alert it takes you directly to the area which needs attention.

Team Approach
Managers are able to allocate tasks to other staff members to share the responsibility of Compliance. Once complete the manager can validate that it has been completed.

Evidence Attached
For each Key line of Enquiry users are able to see the number of documents attached and upload more. This allows you to demonstrate compliance easily with up to date evidence.

Expert Advice
For each key line of Enquiry you receive expert advice on what the Inspectors will be looking for and also Best practice on how to achieve compliance in this area.
Your Companion to CQC Compliance.
Upon login, your compliance obligations are displayed on the Dashboard. Here you can view, allocate, verify and complete all compliance tasks which need attention. When it’s time to complete a Key Line of Enquiry, the system dials will change allowing you to focus your attention within that area. HLTH Manage will then guide you through a series of simple steps, with expert advice to capture evidence against the KLOE ready to present to the Care Quality Commission on an Inspection.
Evidence Attached
The system advices users on what evidence is needed for each Key Line of Enquiry. (CQC Outcomes are now called Key Lines of Enquiry) This ensures that the most relevant evidence is up to date and on hand when required. The system is packed full of expert insight to the world of CQC Compliance. This includes evidence advice at prompt level and over 80 videos that can be viewed from individual training, to sharing best practice in team meetings.
The Dashboard
The Dashboard is a great tool to allow you to review on a daily basis how well your organisation is doing against the 5 CQC key Questions and how staff are performing against allocated tasks. This enables the manager to quickly understand what you’re already doing well to meet the CQC regulations and explore areas for improvement. You can be safe in the knowledge that all CQC Key Lines of Enquiry are being addressed and that CQC compliance remains consistent.
Policies & Procedures
This personalised section enables you to upload supporting policies and procedures unique to your business. You can upload documents, attach hyperlinks and set a review date to ensure your policies and procedures remain relevant. Having these included within your compliance system establishes a comprehensive CQC compliance and registration tool.
Our software is the leading system in achieving ‘Outstanding’ CQC compliance, providing an all-in-one tool to manage your documents, policies, staff, e-learning, governance, and more. It is expertly positioned to prepare you for inspection under the CQC’s New Single Assessment Framework, developing ahead of the New Strategy launch to ensure you succeed.
CQC Registration Dashboard:
Our HLTH Manage software includes a ‘CQC Registration’ dashboard containing expertly produced templates and interactive walkthroughs. These documents include examples of successful application forms and guidance on successfully completing the process. In addition, we can refer your CQC Registration to our CQC-specialist solicitor partners, who can provide hands-on support and legal guidance throughout the process.
E-Learning and CQC Toolkit
With our CPD-accredited Health and Social Care E-Learning, you can empower your staff with the knowledge and skills required to excel in their roles. Our Care Certificate training covers the mandatory training which is essential for your team. In addition, within HLTH Manage we provide a comprehensive CQC Toolkit, containing essential Audit Tools, CQC Documentation and care templates.
Policies and Procedures
HLTH Manage includes a dedicated dashboard for your providers’ CQC documentation including Policies and Procedures. This allows your team to efficiently manage and develop your CQC policies and procedures, with this process made simple with our centralised dashboard, ensuring alignment with CQC standards and staff understanding.
HR Dashboard and Toolkit
Simplify personnel management and ensure staff compliance with our user-friendly, state-of-the-art HR dashboard. Within HLTH Manage, you will be able to manage staff leave, sickness, shift and rota planning, expenses and more securely and confidentially. You’ll also have access to our HR Toolkit, containing useful documents and templates.
CQC Compliance Evidencing
With HLTH Manage, gathering evidence for CQC compliance becomes effortless. Document, organise, and present evidence across Safeguarding, CQC Notifications and the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) to efficiently ensure a successful CQC inspection process. We’ve completely overhauled our CQC Tools and Dashboards to ensure they are ready for the new CQC Single Assessment Framework.