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Flexible Working

Flexible Working
Explore the latest updates on flexible working requests with Sophie, Head of HR at the HLTH Group, in our newest YouTube video. In this informative discussion, Sophie highlights the recent announcement of a new code of practice, shifting the dynamics of flexible working arrangements.

Discover the legal duty imposed on employers to consult with employees regarding alternatives to their requests, without the need for employees to justify the impact on business. Learn about the rights granted to employees, including the ability to make two requests per year and the option to request predictable working patterns.

Sophie delves into the challenges faced by care providers and professionals in the health and social care sector amidst managing client needs and staff requests. Prepare for potential influxes of requests and find out how the HLTH Group can provide support and guidance through these changes. Stay informed and empowered by tuning in to our video, and ensure your organization is equipped to handle flexible working requests effectively. For further assistance, reach out to us for expert support tailored to your needs.
