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HLTH+ CQC Compliance Support

Discover how MyGPClinic’s partnership with the HLTH Group has revolutionised their approach to CQC compliance.

Dr Coogan from MyGPClinic shares how HLTH Group’s proactive, monthly CQC compliance support has ensured that My GP Clinic are able to stay ahead of the latest CQC updates and changes.

In this insightful conversation, Dr. Coogan highlights the significance of compliance and the proactive measures taken by My GP Clinic to ensure adherence to regulatory standards. From their initial steps in adopting the single assessment framework to the ongoing quarterly sessions for new employee, Dr. Coogan provides valuable insights into the journey towards compliance excellence. Join us as Dr. Coogan emphasizes the importance of working with trusted partners like the HLTH Group for organizations serious about compliance in healthcare.

Dr. Steve Coogan | My GP Clinic Interview